Friday 17 January 2014

How to do a Leopard Nail Art D.I.Y ...!

Hey Guys, Its Me again to share my new nail art design called - THE LEOPARD NAIL ART , with you guys . It is super super easy to Do it  without any nail tools. And A MUST TRY ... :)

A Clear Topcoat
Cream Shade Nail Poish - ( I took Sally Hansen For the purpose -  01 white truffle creme )
A Darker Shade - I took Brown  :p
Black Nail Polish
A Basecoat - ( to secure your nail getting stained - " OPTIONAL")

SO Lets Begin .... 
1) Paint your Nails with your CREAMY CREAMY Nail Polish.
2) Let it dry , When its properly dry. Apply your darker shade Nail Polish which is brown.
3) Now With the help of toothpick Draw small random C shapes on your nails with it. ( No Wrong Or A Right Way to make that shapes.  )
4) Let it dry , Now you simply have to underline the shapes you draw  .
NOTE :*Don't underline it thin, it should be Thick leopard like patterns.
* Make sure you Don't Underline it completely. "
5) After you are done with painting your nails . Secure it with a Topcoat. And tadaaaa .!! You are So done already.
                            "  Five simple Steps for a must try nail art design  "

I try It with an another nail shade pink hope you guys like it 
If you guys like it lemme know... Inbox me , follow my blog.. Share  . :) 
Have A Nice Day  .

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